Sales Training and Development. Created by Experienced, Successful Sales Professionals and University Professors


Sales Training and Development: What We Do

Below is a brief summary of our primary service offering.  On the pages that follow, we provide more details on each program:

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TRACOM’s SOCIAL STYLES® is an evidence-based program – proven effective by years of validated research.  For those salespeople who've successfully completed SOCIAL STYLES® training, 92% developed more positive customer relationships, 87% increased their ability to influence or persuade customers, and 79% improved their ability to gain ongoing sales.  

Our 1-DAY program includes an interactive presentation and workshop, the TRACOM proprietary self assessments for both behavior style and versatility and the SOCIAL STYLE® for Sales workbook. Our 2-day program adds a day of practical application and SOCIAL STYLES® role-play for those tough-to-sell accounts.


We LOVE training newbies!  Many sales people begin their career with ideas of grandeur but without any prior sales training or education.  There are less than 7 universities that offer sales-specific degrees.  When hiring recent college grads or those who've transitioned to sales, organizations are tasked with teaching product knowledge, company rules and procedures, technical knowledge, industry knowledge, laws and regulations, diversity and inclusion as well as many others.  "Soft" sales skills are often left up to the individual to learn on his/her own with varying degrees of success.

The 90-Day sales onboarding bootcamp was created to support a company's sales management and learning and development teams by providing an extra sales management and training arm to our clients. Our bootcamp provides the essentials of sales training to new sales professionals, including a 30-60-90 Day Plan, Call Reporting/Use of CRM, Time/territory Management, Sales Planning/Forecasting, Role Playing and  Keys to Sales Success (appearance, continuous improvement, soft skills). 

Weekly scheduled 1-hour coaching and teaching sessions that include distribution of training materials is provided for participants and bi-weekly review calls is provided for participant management.